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Author: Amber Knight

Electric cooperatives to power developing region of Guatemala

Sixteen Indiana electric cooperative lineworkers will travel to Guatemala in late January as part of an international initiative to bring electricity to a developing area in Guatemala.

“Project Indiana: Empowering Global Communities for a Better Tomorrow” will bring electricity to a part of the Central American country where none is available. The crew will spend January 29 through February 15 extending electric infrastructure in the village of Palmira, a mountainous area along the western edge of Guatemala. When completed, approximately 109 homes will have electricity for the first time.

Project Crew

  • Jonah Brewer, Bartholomew County REMC
  • Bo Simpson, Clark County REMC
  • Collin Crabtree, Decatur County REMC
  • Paul Trenkamp, Decatur County REMC
  • Garret Berg, Dubois REC, Inc.
  • Steve Saltsgaver, Harrison REMC
  • Zach Albin, Heartland REMC
  • Kevin Bay, JCREMC
  • Kolbie Cox, Miami-Cass REMC
  • Brandon Bambusch, Orange County REMC
  • Terry Minic, Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative, Inc.
  • Jaylin Brown, RushShelby Energy
  • Cody Campbell, South Central Indiana REMC
  • Dakota Grimes, South Central Indiana REMC
  • Jimmy Applegate, Southern Indiana Power
  • Matt Bassett, Tipmont

Support Team

  • Robert White, Indiana Electric Cooperatives
  • Chris Todd, Northeastern REMC
  • Eric Jung, Northeastern REMC
  • Joe Banfield, Tipmont
  • Ron Holcomb, Tipmont
  • Joe Bower

This is Indiana electric cooperatives’ sixth trip to Guatemala. In August 2012, 28 Hoosier lineworkers from 17 of Indiana’s electric cooperatives spent four weeks working across the mountainous terrain to bring electricity to 184 homes, a church and a school in three villages. In April 2015, 14 lineworkers battled extreme heat and the rugged land to bring electricity to 164 homes, a school and a church. In 2017, 14 lineworkers endured extreme temperatures to power 68 homes, a school, a church and a health clinic. In 2019, 14 lineworkers brought electricity to nearly 90 homes, two churches, and a school and ensured that every home they wired for electricity had a properly vented wood-burning cooking stove installed to replace the open fires villagers have used for years. And, on the last trip in 2023, 14 lineworkers brought electricity to 26 homes and a school.

Follow along the crew’s journey in Palmira by visiting